Google's Unannounced Material3 Components Floating Action Bar and More

TapTechNews July 16th news, developer Dylan Roussel tweeted today (July 16th) sharing Google's yet-to-be-announced Material3 components, including the floating action bar (FAB) and its menu, which is a supplement to the existing Material3 bottom and top app bars.

The new Material3 component offers both horizontal and vertical configurations, and in the expanded state will contain important tools in the current context and can be hidden when scrolling.

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Googles Unannounced Material3 Components Floating Action Bar and More_1

Google is exploring a medium-sized FAB (sized at 80dp) in addition to the existing small FAB (such as the camera/scan button in Google Drive), the standard FAB, and the large FAB (such as the recording button in the Pixel Recorder app).

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Google has also optimized the FAB menu options, which will show other operations in an animated form. TapTechNews attaches the demonstration gif as follows:

Google plans to introduce split buttons:
