Ye Jun's Speech on the Impact of ChatGPT and the Status of DingTalk

TapTechNews June 22 - According to Sina Technology, the 10th Innovation Annual Meeting of the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum was held in Shenzhen - Nanshan District from June 21 to 22. During today's annual meeting, Ye Jun, the president of DingTalk, attended and delivered a speech.

In his speech, Ye Jun straightforwardly said that after OpenAI launched ChatGPT, Baidu might be of little use. He said that the results Baidu searched out are 10 records, even 10 similar advertisements. But the answer obtained from ChatGPT is one is the accurate answer and there is no advertisement. My first feeling at that time was that this interaction is going to change.

Ye Jun also mentioned Xiaohongshu appropriately. He believes that the search scene has been revolutionized, and Baidu also has to follow up immediately. If it doesn't follow up soon, I guess you will only use Xiaohongshu and not Baidu. Xiaohongshu must be used because it is invested by Alibaba, which is also a good product.

Ye Jun said that Xiaohongshu has very high knowledge density and will make people feel that the things searched out are very useful. He also took Video Account as an example: If I buy a device and don't know how to use it, you go to the Video Account to search, and people will tell you a large number of results. This result is different from Baidu. It is estimated that not a single one of the first 10 results from Baidu is what you want. This is that after having the intelligent ability, the feeling of interaction is completely different.

According to TapTechNews' previous reports, by the end of 2023, DingTalk's user number has reached 700 million, and the number of various organizations including enterprises and schools has reached 25 million; the paid DAU is 28 million, and the number of software-paying enterprises is 120,000. Up to now, DingTalk has 20+ product lines and more than 80 scenes connected to the large model, and 700,000 enterprises have actually used DingTalk AI.
