Nezha Automobile Updates Mileage Record and Announces Incentives

TapTechNews on June 22nd, Nezha Automobile announced today that the record for the longest mileage of the Nezha U has been refreshed again, from the original 280,000 miles (454,117 kilometers) to 280,917 miles (455,482 kilometers).

Nezha Automobile decided to offer additional gifts temporarily and also give these two users a free replacement of a brand new Nezha X pure electric SUV.

Nezha Automobile Updates Mileage Record and Announces Incentives_0

TapTechNews reported earlier that Nezha Automobile will verify the owner's identity and the authenticity of the mileage data for the user ranked first in the driving mileage. Later, the official will recycle this Nezha U car, and give a brand new Nezha X car to this user for free.

Nezha Automobile CEO Zhang Yong also said that this recycled Nezha U car will be recycled and disassembled to see whether there is any excessive wear and tear of each component and what the quality situation is, and the subsequent results will also be made public on the whole network.

Related Reading:

Free Nezha X Car Exchange, Nezha U's Longest Mileage List Announced on the Whole Network: The First One Drives Over 280,000 Miles
