Fatal Accident Involving Changan Automobile Owner Raises Safety Concerns

Thank you for the clue submission from TapTechNews user Aihezu. TapTechNews reported on May 15th that according to the urgent call from Beijing News, on May 13th, a Changan automobile owner in Chengdu was unfortunately killed by an electric car rooftop tent, raising questions about the vehicle's safety. The friend of the car owner told reporters that the car had just been purchased for half a month, and on May 11th, an accident occurred while the owner was operating the rooftop tent, with unsuccessful attempts to rescue the person with the key. On May 14th, the responsible person of Changan Automobile sales said that they had been in contact with the relevant personnel and the family members. The manufacturer of the involved car rooftop tent stated that they had been in contact with the deceased's family lawyer, 'It appears that the accident was caused by the operator not following the instructions in the manual. We are currently cooperating to verify the truth.' As of the publication of TapTechNews, the official investigation results have not been released, and Changan Automobile has not made any new response.
