Plan to Enhance Mobile Network Coverage in Shandong

TapTechNews, June 7th - According to the information from the Telecommunications Administration of Shandong Province, in order to accelerate the in-depth coverage of the mobile network across the province and optimize the layout of 'Connecting Shandong', and support the digital transformation needs of key industries, the Telecommunications Administration of Shandong Province, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Education, and other seventeen departments jointly issued the 'Special Action Plan for Signal Upgrade in Shandong Province' (hereinafter referred to as the 'Plan') recently.

The 'Plan' proposes to use about 2 years to promote the in-depth coverage of the mobile network in more than 15,000 key places, continuous coverage on 4,000 kilometers of railways, 50,000 kilometers of highways and all operating subway lines, and the average downlink access rate of the mobile network is not less than 230 Mbps and the average uplink access rate is not less than 45 Mbps.

The Plan clearly defines 12 key tasks, which TapTechNews summarizes as follows:

First, promoting the signal upgrade in the field of government service, and by 2025, realizing the 5G network signal coverage and quality guarantee in all county-level or above government service centers.

Second, promoting the signal upgrade in the field of culture and tourism, realizing the mobile network signal coverage and application experience improvement in all 4A-level or above scenic areas, national second-level or above museums, and public sports stadiums.

Third, promoting the signal upgrade in the field of health, realizing the mobile network signal coverage and business guarantee in all second-level or above public medical institutions.

Fourth, promoting the signal upgrade in the education field, realizing the 5G network signal coverage and application experience improvement in all colleges and universities in the province, and steadily improving the mobile network signal coverage level in primary and secondary schools including the remote areas.

Fifth, promoting the signal upgrade in the transportation field, realizing the mobile network signal coverage and business guarantee in transportation hubs, urban subways, highways, railways and waterways.

Sixth, promoting the signal upgrade in the commercial field, realizing the in-depth coverage and experience improvement of the mobile network in all key supermarkets and more than 70% of urban commercial buildings.

Seventh, promoting the signal upgrade in the residential living field, realizing the mobile network signal coverage and significant improvement of the quality in urban residential quarters and rural settlement areas, and realizing the mobile network coverage in more than 15,000 residential quarters.

Eighth, promoting the signal upgrade in the industrial park field, realizing the in-depth coverage of the mobile network in more than 300 industrial parks and more than 500 agricultural parks.

Ninth, promoting the signal upgrade in the marine field, basically realizing the 5G network coverage in the inhabited islands, the main offshore operation areas, and key shipping routes.

Tenth, promoting the signal upgrade in the business service perception, accelerating the pilot deployment of 5G-A 10-Gigabit mobile network, promoting the large-scale deployment of 5G light-weight (RedCap) in county-level or above urban areas, and supporting the development of emerging industries such as low-altitude economy.

Eleventh, promoting the signal upgrade in the resource factor guarantee, strengthening the effective connection between information infrastructure-related plans and territorial space, power and other plans, ensuring the construction right-of-way of communicati on infrastructure in key places, and strengthening the energy guarantee.

Twelfth, promoting the signal upgrade in the evaluation and monitoring ability, regularly conducting the mobile network quality evaluation in key places, publicly releasing the evaluation results, and establishing advanced models and demonstration benchmarks.

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