Black Myth Wukong Physical Editions Available for Pre-order

TapTechNews on June 7th, it is reported that the physical collector's edition and physical deluxe edition of Black Myth: Wukong have been put on a certain shopping website, but they have been hidden by the time TapTechNews publishes this article.

The product page shows that the first batch of reservations for the physical edition of Black Myth: Wukong will open at 10 am on June 8th and be delivered before September 21st; the second wave of appointments will open on June 11th and be delivered before October 8th.

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In terms of price, the physical deluxe edition costs $120, and it is limited to 20,000 sets; the physical collector's edition (including a 40-centimeter-tall protagonist figurine model named Facing Destiny), costs $300, and it is limited to 10,000 sets.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, the packaging boxes of the PC physical deluxe edition and physical collector's edition of Black Myth: Wukong have also been exposed. The physical deluxe edition includes a collector's iron box and the WeGame deluxe edition game activation code, a gold-plated hoop (1:1 size brass material), a wind chime necklace & thunderwood ring & golden crow badge set, the Disrupting the Peach Banquet painting scroll and postcards, etc.

The price of the physical collector's edition of Black Myth: Wukong is $300, limited to 10,000 sets. On the above basis, the gold-plated hoop is replaced with a 40-centimeter protagonist model [Facing Destiny], and the Disrupting the Peach Banquet painting scroll is replaced with the Receiving the Heart Sutra painting scroll.

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