TSMC's 2024 Plans Building New Factories and Expanding Capacity

TapTechNews May 24th news, Huang Yuanguo, a senior executive of TSMC, said yesterday at the 2024 TSMC Technology Forum in Hsinchu that the company will build seven new factories this year, and the 3nm production capacity this year will quadruple that of last year.

Specifically, TSMC will build 5 wafer factories and 2 advanced packaging factories globally in 2024.

The Fab20 in Hsinchu and the F22 wafer factory in Kaohsiung of TSMC are both for the 2nm process. They are currently in the stage of equipment installation and are expected to enter mass production successively in 2025.

In the earlier report of TapTechNews, it was also mentioned that TSMC has confirmed that the first wafer factory of its European subsidiary ESMC located in Dresden, Germany will start construction in the fourth quarter of this year and is estimated to be put into production in 2027.

TSMC will also build two advanced packaging factories in Taichung and Chiayi respectively. The former is expected to achieve mass production of CoWoS in 2025, and the latter will mass produce CoWoS and SoIC in 2026.

Huang Yuanguo disclosed that the 3nm production capacity of TSMC this year will increase significantly by 300% compared to last year, but it is still not enough to meet all the needs of users.

The compound annual growth rate of TSMC's advanced process production capacity from 2020 to 2024 will reach about 25%.
