Chen Zhaohua Becomes Vice President of Nezha Automobile

TapTechNews May 24th news, veteran media person Chen Zhaohua officially took up the post of vice president of Nezha Automobile, responsible for brand communication and media relations.

Nezha Automobile was led by Zhou Hongyi to invest. In recent years, there have been some controversies in marketing. This time, Chen Zhaohua's joining can be regarded as a reinforcement of marketing.

Nezha Automobile in 2023 became the only new energy vehicle brand among the top five in sales with a year-on-year decline. In response, Nezha Automobile CEO Zhang Yong publicly criticized himself, mentioning 'outdated communication methods, good things can't be spread out' and 'centralization of marketing headquarters, weak management strength', etc.

In December last year, Nezha Automobile CEO Zhang Yong posted a 'equest for help' to netizens on how to make Nezha GT sell into a blockbuster with monthly sales of more than 5,000. Subsequently, Zhang Yong responded that there will soon be big changes in marketing and that the marketing system is sorry for the efforts of the R & D team.

Zhang Yong also said that in 2024 he will also serve as the general manager of the marketing company; all the marketing system stands up and re-takes up their posts; comprehensively improve marketing communication and user communication methods.

In March this year, Zhou Hongyi publicly criticized Nezha Automobile during a live broadcast and also required Nezha executives to 'learn from Xiaomi and learn more from Lei Jun'. Zhang Yong responded by saying 'accepting Lao Zhou's criticism, learning from Lei Jun in marketing is not disgraceful!' Zhang Yong then posted again that Nezha X, Nezha GT and Nezha S (TapTechNews note: all three models have been launched) in the second half of the year 'deserve to be re-launched once', telling a good brand story and highlighting product features.

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Public information shows that Chen Zhaohua has more than 20 years of experience in the media industry and has held important positions in many institutions or enterprises such as Southern Weekend, Southern Metropolis Daily,, and 360 Company.
