Hong Kong Airport Launches World's First Mobile Phone Express Baggage Check-in Service

TapTechNews August 7th news, TapTechNews learned from the Hong Kong Airport Authority that the Hong Kong Airport Authority announced on July 31st that it officially launched the world's first mobile phone express baggage check-in service.

Hong Kong Airport Launches Worlds First Mobile Phone Express Baggage Check-in Service_0

Passengers can handle online check-in and scan travel documents through their smartphones before departure to the airport. After arriving at the airport, they can go directly to the express baggage check-in counter and use their smartphones to self-check in their luggage without having to handle any procedures at the fixed counter of the airline or the mobile smart check-in counter, and the time required for the entire process will be shortened from the current about three minutes to within one minute.

Eligible passengers can now self-complete the entire departure process of check-in, document authentication, baggage check-in, exit inspection, and boarding through the facial recognition technology of Easy Boarding at the airport. It is introduced that all departing passengers aged 11 or above can use Easy Boarding and the newly added mobile phone express baggage check-in service.

All passengers taking Hong Kong Express flights can already use the mobile phone express baggage check-in service through the airline's mobile application. Starting from August 1st, Cathay Pacific will provide mobile phone express baggage check-in service to passengers going to all destinations except the United States, and Hong Kong Airlines is expected to implement this service by the end of this year.
