Tesla's Berlin Factory Expansion Plan Approved Amid Protests

TapTechNews May 17th news, according to Reuters, Tesla's expansion plan for its super factory in Berlin, Germany, has been approved by the local parliament. Despite protests from community members at the meeting, the officials still chose to approve the plan.

Tesla previously submitted a plan to expand the factory area to the city government of Grünheide, planning to double the capacity of the factory to achieve an annual production of 100 gigawatt-hours (gigawatt hour, gigawatt-hour) of batteries and 1 million cars, in order to dominate the European electric vehicle market.

The factory is located in a drinking water protection area. Environmentalists and local residents believe that expanding the factory will pollute the water source, so they held a demonstration. Demonstrators held posters of 'Turn off Tesla's faucet' and demanded that the government not approve the expansion plan.

Protesters against the expansion clashed with the police. A few days ago, more than 1,000 environmentalists participated in a protest march, and there were also conflicts and arrests during the protest.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, in March, an extreme environmental organization自称 'Volcano Group' set fire to a high-voltage power tower near Tesla's German factory, causing damage to some factory facilities and leading to the suspension of the factory. The fire also spread to the surrounding areas, leaving more than 60,000 residents without power.

After Grünheide citizens voted against in February, Tesla had to modify its expansion plan - now it plans to cut down 47 hectares of forest, which is half of the original planned area.
