Weibo Topic Picked-up Phone Claimed Lost & Sentenced to Pay $1,231

TapTechNews July 8th news, today on Weibo, the topic of "picked up a mobile phone and falsely claimed it was lost and was sentenced to pay $1,231" has gone viral. As of TapTechNews' dispatch, the relevant topic has a reading volume of 257,000 and ranks second in real-time popularity.

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According to the media "Red Star News" report, in February this year, when a cake shop employee Chen was out delivering cakes, he accidentally lost the newly bought Apple iPhone mobile phone. After contacting the finder Deng, Chen expressed his willingness to pay $147 in gratitude and hoped that the other party would return the phone.

However, Deng demanded $735, otherwise he was not willing to return it. In desperation, Chen called the police. The police officer at the police station went to Deng's home with Chen to negotiate, but Deng still refused to return the phone.

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For this reason, Chen sued to the People's Court of Shiqian County. After the court accepted the case, the presiding judge went to Deng's home to serve the relevant legal documents and investigate the case. Deng recognized the fact of picking up Chen's mobile phone, but thought that the mobile phone was picked up by himself, not stolen or robbed. Due to a verbal conflict during the communication with Chen, he said that he would only return the phone if Chen set off firecrackers from Shiqian county town to his home. Deng also said that the phone had been lost by his grandson.

The court held that a lost item found should be returned to the rights holder, and the rights holder should be promptly notified to claim it or it should be delivered to the relevant departments such as the public security. Before delivering the lost item to the relevant department, the finder should properly keep the lost item. If the lost item is damaged or lost due to intentional or gross negligence, civil liability should be borne. After Deng picked up the mobile phone involved in the lawsuit, he should properly keep the lost item and return the found lost item at the request of the owner. Now, Deng refuses to return the lost item and claims that the lost item has already been lost, and his behavior has damaged Chen's legitimate rights and interests. Deng's opinion that Chen should set off firecrackers from Shiqian county town to his home before he is willing to return the phone seriously violates public order and good customs.

On July 7th, the Intermediate People's Court of Tongren City, Guizhou announced this case. The person who picked up the phone said the phone had been lost, and the court judged him to compensate the owner for the economic loss of $1,231.
