Microsoft to Remove Cortana, Tips and WordPad in Windows 11 24H2

TapTechNews May 25th news, Microsoft said that the systems upgraded to the upcoming Windows 11 24H2 version will automatically remove Cortana, Tips and WordPad applications.

Microsoft to Remove Cortana, Tips and WordPad in Windows 11 24H2_0

Microsoft released the Windows 11 24H2 update (Build 26100.712) to Windows Insider members in the ReleasePreview channel this Thursday, and clearly stated in the update log that the 24H2 update will remove Cortana, Tips and WordPad applications.

Microsoft to Remove Cortana, Tips and WordPad in Windows 11 24H2_1


In the support document released by Microsoft last June, it announced the cessation of support for Cortana, and stopped supporting it in the Canary preview version released last August, and users would jump out with a prompt that the current application has been deprecated; in the Windows 11 Build 25967 update released last October, the Cortana application has been completely removed.


TapTechNews reported last September that Microsoft issued an announcement stating that the WordPad application in the Win10/Win11 system has been in an inactive state of development for a long time and will be removed through Windows updates in the future, and now this date has finally been finalized.

In the Windows 11 preview version in the Canary channel released by Microsoft in January this year, the 28-year-old WordPad application has been axed.


The Microsoft Tips application is a pre-installed application for the Win11 system, which not only allows users to quickly get to grips with various new features, but also provides various usage tips.

Microsoft Tips provides many function introductions including discovering keyboard shortcuts, finding ways to optimize the computer, delving deeper into the productivity tips of Office, and enhancing your gaming ability on Windows, etc.

Related readings:

The future Win10/Win11 versions will be removed, Microsoft announces the deprecation of the Tips application

Microsoft sentences it to 'death', confirming the removal of the 'WordPad' application in the Win11 24H2 system

Cortana exits the stage: Microsoft Win11 ordinary users can no longer use this application
