Google Updates Chrome to Fix 8th Zero-Day Vulnerability

TapTechNews May 25th news, Google today issued an emergency update to fix the 8th zero-day vulnerability in the Chrome browser, and existing evidence shows that hackers have already exploited this vulnerability to attack users.

 Google Updates Chrome to Fix 8th Zero-Day Vulnerability_0

The vulnerability was discovered internally by Google's Clément Lecigne, with the tracking number CVE-2024-5274, which exists in the JavaScript engine V8 responsible for executing JavaScript code and is a very serious 'type confusion' vulnerability.

TapTechNews note: A 'type confusion' vulnerability means that the program allocates a memory to store a certain type of data, but wrongly interprets the data as another type, which may lead to program crashes, data corruption, and the execution of arbitrary code.

To protect users, Google has not disclosed the technical details of this vulnerability for now, but has urged users to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

Direct download link for Chrome browser:

Latest version: 125.0.6422.113

File size: 107.82 megabytes (about 0.11 gigabytes)

SHA1: 6B19BA41A0D3AB1BA59599A48046C777DD747117

SHA256: 8869D64F87816FE5365A5E0AC5AF479EB309D62A32A9D22816755B9BCA9DB284

Direct download link: Click here
