OpenAI Responds to Concerns about Advanced AI Risks

TapTechNews June 5th, it was reported that employees of OpenAI and Google's DeepMind jointly voiced concerns that advanced AI poses significant risks and urgently needs stronger regulation. In response, OpenAI released a statement today, stressing that it is committed to providing powerful and safe artificial intelligence systems.

TapTechNews translated the official statement of OpenAI as follows:

We are proud to offer the most powerful and safest artificial intelligence system and firmly believe that we can deal with risks through scientific methods.

In view of the importance of AI technology, we agree with the content in the open letter, and how to better promote the development of AI technology through serious discussions is crucial.

We will continue to engage with governments, civil society, and other communities around the world to jointly create a harmonious AI environment.

Including the anonymous integrity hotline and the Safety and Security Committee involving board members and the company's safety leaders, they are all effective means to regulate AI.

OpenAI pointed out that the company will not release new AI technology until the necessary safeguards are in place. The company reaffirmed its support for government regulation and participation in the voluntary commitment to artificial intelligence safety.

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Regarding concerns about retaliatory actions, the spokesperson confirmed that the company has lifted all non-disparagement agreements for former employees and removed such clauses from the standard departure documents.
