IDC Report Global PC Market Outlook in 2024

TapTechNews June 5th news, according to the latest report released by the market research organization IDC. Despite the improvement of the global economy and the emergence of AIPC equipped with NPU, the global PC market remains stable in 2024. It is estimated that the shipment volume is 260.2 million units.

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Education Market

The PC shipment volume in the education market is estimated to be 29.6 million units in 2024. Many institutions' PCs purchased during the epidemic have also reached the time for replacement, but the replacement wave will not have a peak period like during the epidemic, but a relatively smooth transition.

Home Market

IDC estimates that the home PC shipment volume in 2024 will decrease by 1.1%. However, driven by Qualcomm, AMD, and Intel, there will be an upgrade upsurge in the second half of 2024.

But in the long run, AIPC is unlikely to be the main driving force for the shipment volume, but it is expected to drive the increase in the average selling price (ASP).

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Jitesh Ubrani, research manager of IDC's global mobile device tracking, said:

Although the current enthusiasm around AIPC seems somewhat unfounded due to the lack of clear use cases for business and enterprise users, in the next few years, these devices will bring significant changes to the computing field by providing content generation and improving productivity.

We see that the share of AIPC (personal computers equipped with NPU) in the market will increase from about one-fifth this year to nearly two-thirds in 2028.

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