ChatGPT Mobile App's July Revenue and User Growth in the US

TapTechNews August 8th news, according to the latest report released by the mobile application intelligence agency Appfigures, only counting the two application stores of Google's PlayStore and Apple's AppStore, The mobile version of the ChatGPT application achieved a net income of 28 million US dollars (currently about 201 million Chinese yuan) in July this year.

ChatGPT Mobile Apps July Revenue and User Growth in the US_0

TapTechNews note: The net income here refers to the income that OpenAI can actually get after deducting the commission of Apple and Google application stores.

The agency said that in the proportion of the net income of the mobile version of ChatGPT in July, the proportion of Apple's AppStore reached 83%, and compared to June, the net income increased by 20% month-on-month.

In the case of not deducting the application store fees, the revenue situation of the ChatGPT mobile application in the past 3 months is as follows:

The total revenue in May was 28.9 million US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 207 million Chinese yuan)

The total revenue in June was 34 million US dollars (currently about 244 million Chinese yuan)

The total revenue in July was 39.9 million US dollars (currently about 286 million Chinese yuan)

Through GPT-4o, ChatGPT has obtained the ability to process text, voice and video. It also begins to provide a faster response time, and the chat robot can be interrupted, which makes the interaction with the artificial intelligence feel more like a human and more natural.

Appfigures said that the demand for this new technology has driven the revenue of the ChatGPT application to increase by 40% in May. Although the growth has slowed slightly since then, the revenue is still climbing at a healthy rate.

According to Appfigures' estimation, ChatGPT created 2 million new paid users for this application in July, which is also another new record for this mobile application.
