Sony Reduces VR Investment, Plans for PlayStationVR2

TapTechNews June 22 - Two days ago, the tech media AndroidCentral posted a blog post saying that Sony has currently reduced its investment in the VR field and currently only plans to develop 2 games for the PlayStationVR headset and has no interest in making more VR games.

 Sony Reduces VR Investment, Plans for PlayStationVR2_0

The blog post also believes that Sony will further reduce the development resources of VR games in the future. At the PlayStationVR2 launch event, Sony launched the game Horizon: Call of the Mountains, which is Sony's biggest attempt in the VR game field, and there have been no major actions since then.

Sony plans to launch a PlayStationVR2 PC adapter on August 7, which will cost $59.99 (TapTechNews note: currently about 436 RMB).

Officials said that this product can enable PSVR2 players to expand to play thousands of SteamVR games and enjoy a more comprehensive immersive experience.

Eric Lempel, senior vice president and global marketing director of Sony Interactive Entertainment, said in October last year that VR is a meaningful business for the company, but has not yet reached its potential.

Lempel said:

The VR category is very important to us. This is a category that can help us innovate. It will never be the only way people play games, but I'm glad we're involved. We have great experiences and consumers really like them. But for us, this is an emerging business.
