China Unveils Action Plan for Smart Tourism Innovation

TapTechNews May 13 news, the Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Secretariat of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, the Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Comprehensive Department of the National Bureau of Statistics jointly issued the Action Plan for Innovative Development of Smart Tourism, proposing that by 2027, the scale of the smart tourism economy will further expand, smart tourism infrastructure will be more perfect, the level of smart tourism management will be significantly improved, the effectiveness of smart tourism marketing will be more apparent, the supply of high-quality smart tourism products will be more abundant, and smart tourism services and experiences will be more convenient and comfortable.

TapTechNews summarizes some key tasks of the Plan as follows:

Upgrade Action of Smart Tourism Infrastructure

Upgrade information infrastructure. Make good use of the new round of large-scale equipment renewal policies to promote the transformation and upgrading of tourism emergency command centers, intelligent gates, smart screens in scenic spots, ticketing systems, electronic explanations, etc. Guide the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of parking lots, tourist distribution and consultation centers, visitor service centers, scenic roads, and internal signage systems in scenic areas, and enhance the networked, intelligent, and collaborative level of infrastructure. Strengthen pilot projects, innovate models, encourage and support information service providers to carry out cloud-based data-enabled intelligence services for cultural and tourist sites.

Enhance 5G+ Smart Tourism collaborative innovation. Implement the Upgrade of Signal special action, continue to improve the coverage of 5G networks in key tourism areas such as national 4A-level tourist attractions, national-level tourist resorts, national-level tourist leisure streets, national-level nighttime culture and tourism consumption gathering areas, national key rural tourism towns, national archaeological heritage parks, etc., optimize the service quality of 5G networks in key areas and areas with dense passenger flows, tap into the potential and advantages of 5G technology in video surveillance, real-time transmission, unmanned driving, and expand the application scenarios in the tourism field. Continuously launch 5G+ smart tourism application pilot projects and solutions.

Enhance Efficiency Action of Smart Tourism Services

Improve the operational efficiency of service platforms. Explore the combination of new technologies such as cloud computing, blockchain, big data, and general artificial intelligence with online smart tourism services, develop smart tourism assistant applications, encourage and support innovation in online service applications, and enhance the intelligence level of online services at tourist destinations. Support online travel platform operators to leverage their data and information capabilities, effectively integrate transportation, accommodation, dining, sightseeing, entertainment, and other tourism elements resources, and provide intelligent services to tourists.

Enhance the level of elderly-friendly services. Based on reserving offline services for the elderly and other special groups, support smart tourism online service platforms to carry out elderly-friendly transformations for the travel habits of the elderly, continuously optimize the user experience. Improve the level of intelligent services enjoyed by the elderly and other special groups during the travel process, continuously bridge the digital divide. Support key tourism sites such as tourist attractions, tourist resorts, tourist leisure streets, nighttime culture and tourism consumption gathering areas, and key rural tourism towns to promote the elderly-friendly transformation and upgrading of digital signage guidance systems in a combined onli ne and offline manner. Regularly select and publish a batch of smart tourism elderly-friendly examples to strengthen the demonstration and guidance role.

Enhance Management Level Action of Smart Tourism

Promote Internet+ supervision. Relying on multi-source data to enhance the monitoring and risk warning capabilities of the tourism market economy operation, strengthen in-process and post-event supervision, and analytical judgment capabilities. Strengthen data collection and sharing, improve the credit system of the cultural and tourism market. Establish and improve online tourism complaint handling mechanisms, quickly classify and dispose of tourism complaints through information means, improve the rapid processing capabilities of tourist complaints, and promptly feedback the disposal results.

Enhance emergency response capabilities. Effectively use big data collection and analysis methods to improve the accuracy of tourist destination passenger flow forecasting and monitoring, establish and improve a rapid notification system for tourist information including text messages, broadcasts, smart signs, etc., enhance the warning and emergency response capabilities of the tourism sector for sudden events. Promote the provision of satellite communication terminal equipment in tourist areas of natural disaster-prone areas to ensure emergency communication needs in extreme conditions.
