Xpeng Addresses Charging Power Concerns and Announces Expansion Plans

TapTechNews May 13 news, in response to recent user concerns about charging power, Xpeng explained in a post on its official Weibo account. Xpeng stated that there is no artificial limitation on charging power. The electric vehicle's charging and discharging management system will automatically adapt the charging power intelligently based on factors such as energy supplement scenarios, station conditions, and battery power levels.

Xpeng further stated that as the duration of use and the number of charging cycles of the power battery increase, natural degradation will occur, affecting the peak power during charging, which is a common physical characteristic of lithium batteries. Also, during a single charging process, the charging power is not always at its peak. It will dynamically change due to factors such as remaining power, charging pile power, battery temperature, and grid conditions.

TapTechNews noted that Xpeng recently announced that it has built 1028 self-built charging stations, 6105 self-built charging piles, 471 Xcharging stations, and 2547 Xcharging piles. Xpeng stated that it will continue to build a network plan of thousands of stations and ten thousand piles + 1515 convenient electricity. Thousands of stations and ten thousand piles refers to the goal of deploying over a thousand super charging stations by 2024 and maintaining a super charging pile inventory of over ten thousand by 2026. 1515 convenient electricity aims to achieve a fast charging ecological strategy of finding a pile within 15 minutes and charging in 15 minutes.
