OpenAI launches ChatGPT desktop app and GPT-4o language model

TechNews May 14, OpenAI has finally launched the ChatGPT desktop application. The company announced, Starting today, we will first roll out the macOS app to Plus users and open it to a wider audience in the coming weeks. We also plan to release a Windows version later this year.

OpenAI also said that ChatGPT will have an optimized user interface. In OpenAI's demonstration, users can open the ChatGPT desktop app in a minimized window alongside other programs. Users can ask ChatGPT questions by typing or speaking to the displayed content on the screen, and ChatGPT can respond based on what it sees.

OpenAI said users can ask ChatGPT using Option+Spacebar and can capture and discuss screen shots within the app. The new app will be available to both free and paid users, but the testing phase starting today is limited to ChatGPT Plus users and will be opened to a wider audience in the coming weeks. OpenAI plans to release a Windows version later this year. Currently, ChatGPT has apps for iOS and Android.

TechNews noted that OpenAI also shared screenshots of the new ChatGPT web interface, showing slight adjustments to the homepage and message layout. We know these models will become more and more complex, explained Murati, but we want the interaction experience to be more natural and easy, allowing users to focus on collaborating with ChatGPT without having to focus on the interface.

In addition to the new app and UI, OpenAI also released its new large language model GPT-4o, which will be available for all users for free.
