Apple Employee ID Card and Map on eBay Proven to Be Fake

TapTechNews May 20th news, recently an item listed on eBay has caught the attention of Apple fans, allegedly being the employee ID card numbered 10 of the early Apple employees and a hand-drawn map of the first Apple campus. At first glance, it seemed convincing, but soon细心 netizens found疑点. Eventually, the one with the most say stood up and exposed this fraud.

Apple Employee ID Card and Map on eBay Proven to Be Fake_0

This person is Chris Espinosa, the longest-serving employee of Apple, who is the 'No. 8 employee' of Apple. Espinosa joined Apple at the age of 14 as a BASIC programmer and has only had a brief period of leaving since then. He clearly stated that both the ID card and the map are fake.

Regarding the authenticity of the map, Espinosa has the absolute right to speak as it is said to be from his hand. But he denied this and pointed out that he has always used a specific type of notebook for drawing, and the paper of the map in the auction item is clearly not that material.

In addition, Espinosa also listed four疑点 of the fake ID card:

The photo is not of SherryLivingston;

This is not taken with a Polaroid camera with a flash;

The lamination size is completely wrong;

The font is a computer font, not the font of the IBM Selectric Orator typewriter ball.

Despite many疑点, the seller still insists that the items are real and even took out a purchase receipt allegedly from the German Red Cross. This receipt is also full of flaws, and German netizens pointed out the mistakes on the receipt, confirming its suspicion of being fake.

After being completely exposed, the seller panicked and fabricated a bizarre story of purchasing the auction item from elsewhere. Unfortunately, by the time the truth was exposed, the auction had ended and someone spent $946 (TapTechNews note: currently about 6840 Chinese yuan) to buy this counterfeit. However, since eBay has removed the auction item, the buyer should be able to get a refund.
