China's Intelligent Unmanned Equipment Shines in Cambodia Joint Exercise

TapTechNews May 25th news, according to CCTV reports, the adaptive training of the China-Cambodia Golden Dragon-2024 joint exercise is underway at a training base of the Royal Cambodian Army, among which the appearance of China's latest intelligent unmanned equipment - the robotic dog has attracted much attention.

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Outside the simulated block, after the Chinese participating team members received instructions, they remotely operated the robotic dog to quickly go forward to find out the situation of obstacles on the periphery of the block, and simultaneously sent back the situation of on-site obstacles such as barbed wire, used tires, and tire puncture devices to the headquarters.

It is introduced that this robotic dog is small in size, weighs about 15 kilograms (about 33 pounds), and is equipped with an超广角 perception system. The abdomen is loaded with a battery and power system. It can not only complete actions such as forward, horizontal, jump, and backward, but also independently plan routes and avoid obstacles. It can quickly approach the target in the reconnaissance link and send the reconnaissance picture back to the headquarters in real time.

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In addition, there is another robotic dog on the training ground that is also very eye-catching. This big robotic dog weighing more than 100 catties (about 110 pounds) is mounted with a rifle and quickly advances under the control of the operator. In the strong attack breakthrough training link, it helps the participating team members to make breakthroughs and sharp knife strong attack breakthroughs against several armed terrorists hidden in the building, and quickly aims at the target for attack. After confirming safety, the Chinese and Cambodian participating team members file in and complete the subsequent mopping-up task.

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The participating team member Chen Wei introduced that the B1 quadruped robotic dog can replace the team members to conduct reconnaissance and firepower strike after discovering the enemy in daily training, and it is a new member in urban offensive and defensive operations.

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TapTechNews noticed that in addition to the robotic dog, CCTV said that the Chinese participating officers and soldiers will also integrate a number of intelligent unmanned equipment such as the reconnaissance and strike integrated drone, the carrier drone, and the reconnaissance drone into various key links such as reconnaissance, control, breakthrough, and strike.
