Samsung Electronics' Smartphone and Tablet Production Exceeding Estimates and Future Outlook

TapTechNews June 22nd news, according to the report of South Korean media TheElec, Samsung Electronics exceeded the estimated production of smartphones and tablets by 3% in the 2nd quarter of this year, while it exceeded by 22% in the 1st quarter. The estimated production in the first half of this year can exceed by 13%.

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Executives in the camera module and other major components industries of Samsung Electronics disclosed the report released by the smartphone department (MX-Network) on June 17 when interviewed, and estimated that the production of smartphones and tablets in the second quarter of Samsung Electronics reached 49.9 million units.

Samsung Electronics' management originally planned to produce 48.3 million units, and the actual production has exceeded by 3%. TapTechNews note: The 49.9 million units in the second quarter does not include the JDM (Joint Design and Manufacturing) products jointly produced with companies such as Wingtech.

In the first quarter, Samsung has produced 64.5 million smartphones and tablets, which is 22% higher than the original management plan (52.9 million units).

Combined with the numbers of the first quarter and the prediction of the second quarter, the company expects the production in the first half of this year to be 114.4 million units, which is 13% higher than the management plan (110.2 million units).

TapTechNews quoted the media report that Samsung Electronics' production of smartphones and tablets exceeded the management's plan, but it is expected that the company will enter a state of production reduction in the third quarter. Except for the Galaxy ZFold6 and Galaxy ZFlip6 foldable phones to be released next month, there is no high-profit product in the third quarter.
