Apple Introduces Genmoji in iOS18 at WWDC 2024

TapTechNews June 11th news, at the 2024 WWDC Worldwide Developers Conference held by Apple today, it introduced a new feature named Genmoji for the iOS18 system, which allows users to create their own customized Emojis.

 Apple Introduces Genmoji in iOS18 at WWDC 2024_0

Genmoji supports the AI text-to-image generating function, which can be created through text prompts, such as 'a t-rex on a surfboard wearing a puffball skirt'.

 Apple Introduces Genmoji in iOS18 at WWDC 2024_1

TapTechNews attaches the following official demonstration of Apple. When inputting 'a smiling face emoji with a cucumber stuck on relaxing', a yellow smiling face emoji with a cucumber stuck on is generated.

 Apple Introduces Genmoji in iOS18 at WWDC 2024_2

Apple WWDC 2024 Developer Conference Keynote Special
