Windows 11 Recall Function Exclusive to Some Devices but Runnable on Others

TapTechNews May 25th news, Microsoft officially promotes that the Windows 11 Recall Memory AI function is currently exclusive to Copilot+PC devices (equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon XElite/Plus chips). However, the source Albacore indicates that existing Windows 11 devices can also run Recall, but the running speed is very slow.

Windows 11 Recall Function Exclusive to Some Devices but Runnable on Others_0

The tech enthusiast Albacore posted a tweet, stating that the Recall function has also been successfully enabled on the existing Arm64 hardware, and indicating that in theory, existing Intel and AMD devices can also achieve running.

The tech enthusiast Albacore also shared a demonstration video, but the running experience is not good, the function is quite lagging and slow, but it can still complete the task.

TapTechNews note: Recall is a new function unique to Copilot+PC, which can record all the things you have seen and done on the computer, and can let you search and retrieve anything you have done on the device.

For example, Recall will record the videos the user has watched, the conversations conducted using chat software, the pictures browsed, etc., and can also see your desktop, applications, PowerPoint slides, websites, browser tabs, etc.
