Shenzhen Online Car-hailing Industry Update Saturation, Risk Warnings and Precautions

TapTechNews August 9th news, TapTechNews learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau that the Operation Dynamics and Risk Warning of Shenzhen's Online Car-hailing Industry in July 2024 was released on the 8th. Data shows that as of July 31, there are 28 online car-hailing platforms in Shenzhen, and 121,046 Network Reservation Taxi Transport Certificates have been issued, and 323,508 Shenzhen Taxi Driver Certificates have been issued.

According to the data of each platform, the average daily order volume of online car-hailing in the whole city this month is about 12.8 orders, and the average daily number of vehicles receiving orders is about 90,000. In terms of risk warning, the online car-hailing that received orders in the current month also increased slightly with the increase of travel demand during the summer transportation season. It is expected that this situation has obvious seasonal characteristics and will fluctuate over time.

The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau said that the city's public transportation system is increasingly improved. The density of the urban rail transit network has ranked first in the country, and the coverage rate of bus stops within 500 meters has reached 100%. The citizens have more and more choices for public transportation travel. As a supplement to urban public transportation, the market of online car-hailing has tended to be saturated.

The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau reminds enterprises and practitioners who intend to engage in online car-hailing operations that they should understand the relevant regulations of online car-hailing in detail, conduct market research, fully consider operating income being affected by factors such as supply and demand relationship and market conditions, objectively assess the actual income level of industry practitioners, and make从业 choices rationally and prudently. At the same time, the following risks should be avoided:

In the working mode and guaranteed bottom mode where the company is contracted to uniformly collect and distribute the order flow income of the driver through the contract, the driver has no right to control the order flow, and there is a risk that losses are difficult to recover if the company is poorly managed;

For the intermediate service provider , who earns intermediate rental fees or referral fees by promoting vehicles of other online car-hailing capacity companies without the authorization of the online car-hailing platform, because there is no cooperation support and long-term business plan of the online car-hailing platform, if there is business risk, it is easy to have contract or economic disputes with the driver;

Through advertising models such as high order flow and high monthly salary, attracting drivers to sign rental contracts, but the actual income situation is difficult to reach the level of its advertising propaganda, and the driver also has the risk of early car return and other default risks;

Be vigilant against risks such as false promises that it is also possible to work without a license, promising principal and interest repayment or other investment returns, give priority to choosing a platform that has promised deposit guarantee and dispute legal aid for car rental, and please carefully confirm the contracts and agreement terms signed with the enterprise when signing, clarify the agreed contents and the risks that need to be borne by oneself, and safeguard one's own rights and interests according to law.
