ByteDance's Doubao Outperforms Baidu's Wenxin Yiyan in Download Volume

TapTechNews May 20th news, comprehensively reported by Bloomberg and Fortune magazine. According to the data of market research institute SensorTower, the download volume of ByteDance's AI chatbot Doubao exceeded that of Baidu's Wenxin Yiyan last year. Currently, Doubao has more monthly active users on the Chinese iOS platform.

Data shows that as of April this year, the download volume of Doubao on the Apple iOS platform within one year is close to 9 million times, while Wenxin Yiyan follows closely with 8 million times. In terms of monthly active users, the number of users of Doubao has also reached nearly 4 million.

This survey does not include Android app stores. The report quotes the view of Robert Lea, an analyst at Bloomberg Industry Research, that the emerging AI service field in China is in competition, including companies and products such as the robot Kimi developed by the startup Moonshot AI, highlighting the low threshold of this industry.

ByteDances Doubao Outperforms Baidu's Wenxin Yiyan in Download Volume_0

In addition, among the top-ranked AI chatbots in China, only Wenxin Yiyan offers a paid subscription. However, since its launch in March 2023, the income obtained by Wenxin Yiyan from in-app purchases and subscriptions has been less than 500,000 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 3.615 million yuan). Baidu has stated that its greater growth impetus comes from advertising and cloud services, and Wenxin Yiyan will contribute billions of additional dollars in revenue through these two services.

Tan Dai, president of ByteDance's Volcano Engine, said this month: After one year of iteration and market verification, the Doubao large model is becoming one of the largest used and richest application scenarios large models in China. Currently, it processes 120 billion Tokens texts daily and generates 30 million images. The official also previously boasted that more than 8 million intelligent agents have been created on Doubao, and the monthly active users reach 26 million.

The original name of the Doubao large model is Skylark, and it is one of the first batch of large models to pass the algorithm filing. Currently, ByteDance has built an AI dialogue assistant Doubao, an AI application development platform Button, an interactive entertainment application Cat Box, as well as AI creation tools such as Xinghui and Jimeng, and has integrated the large model into more than 50 businesses such as Douyin, Tomato Novels, Feishu, and Jumei Engine.
