China's Lithium-ion Battery Industry Update

TapTechNews June 7th news, the latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows: From January to April 2024, China's lithium-ion battery industry maintained a growth trend. The total output of lithium batteries across the country in the first four months exceeded 282 GWh, a year-on-year increase of 17.5%.

In the battery sector, the national output of energy storage lithium batteries in the first four months exceeded 48 GWh. The installed capacity of power lithium batteries for new energy vehicles was about 120.4 GWh.

Affected by the reduction in the price of lithium battery materials and other factors, the price of lithium battery products decreased accordingly. The total export value of lithium batteries in the first four months across the country reached $188.5 billion (about 1242 billion yuan), a year-on-year decrease of 15%.

In the first-order material sector, the national output of positive electrode materials, negative electrode materials, separators, and electrolytes in the first four months reached 735,000 tons, 535,000 tons, 4.9 billion square meters, and 320,000 tons respectively, and the year-on-year increase was all above 15%.

In the second-order material sector, the national output of lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide in the first four months was 171,000 tons and 104,000 tons respectively, and the average price of battery-grade lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide (micronized grade) was $15,900 (about 104,000 yuan) per ton and $15,000 (about 98,000 yuan) per ton.

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According to the China Automotive Power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance, driven by the demand for new energy vehicles, the production of power and other batteries in April increased both month-on-month and year-on-year.

In April, the combined production of power and other batteries in China was 78.2 GWh, an increase of 3.2% month-on-month and a 60.0% increase year-on-year; the combined sales volume was 73.5 GWh, an increase of 0.3% month-on-month and a 57% increase year-on-year. TapTechNews attached the following top 15 enterprises:

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