Generative AI Usage Gap Japan Lags Behind China, US, UK, and Germany

TapTechNews July 8th news, according to the Nikkei report, on July 5th, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan released the Information and Communication White Paper. The data shows that only 9.1% of individuals in Japan use generative AI, which has a large gap compared to 56.3% in China, 46.3% in the US, 39.8% in the UK, and 34.6% in Germany.

TapTechNews summarizes the detailed data as follows:

In terms of the reasons why Japanese people don't use generative AI, more than 40% said don't know how to use it, and nearly 40% said not needed in life, occupying the top 2 reasons. In terms of the specific uses of using generative AI, according to the survey among the people who already use, the use for querying is the most, accounting for 8.3%, and for refining and translating content is the next, accounting for 5.9%.

Among the people participating in the survey, the combined proportion of those who answered really want to use and consider using according to the situation reaches 70%. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan is expected to say that there is a latent demand for the use of generative AI among the local people.

When asked what kind of impact generative AI will have, more than 70% of the people said brand-new creativity, new innovation, improve business efficiency, solve the shortage of manpower. At the same time, 70% of the people also think will expand the security risk such as information leakage and the possibility of copyright infringement is enhanced.

In the questionnaire survey for enterprises, the proportion of Japanese enterprises using generative AI in their business is 46.8%, lower than 84.7% in the US, 84.4% in China, and 72.7% in Germany. Regarding whether they will use it in the future, from the perspective of planning to actively use, Japan is only 15.7%, lower than 71.2% in China, 46.3% in the US, and 30.1% in Germany.
