UMC Launches New 22eHV Embedded High-Voltage Technology Platform

TapTechNews June 20th, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), a Taiwan-based foundry specializing in mature process technology, today launched its new-generation embedded high-voltage technology platform, 22eHV.

22eHV is targeted at the display driver IC (TapTechNews note: namely DDIC, DDI) field, aiming to meet the growing demand for AMOLED display panels in the smartphone field.

UMC Launches New 22eHV Embedded High-Voltage Technology Platform_0

UMC's previous-generation embedded high-voltage process before 22eHV is 28eHV, which started production in 2020. UMC was also the first foundry to mass-produce 28nm small-size DDI.

The small-size DDI is widely used to control the (AM)OLED display panels of smartphones, tablets, XR devices, and Internet of Things devices.

UMC claims that its current market share in the global 28nm small-size DDI pure foundry field exceeds 90%.

Back to 22eHV, UMC claims that this process reduces power consumption by 30% compared to the previous 28eHV, which can extend the battery life of mobile devices.

Thanks to the industry-leading SRAM density, the DDI chip using 22eHV has a smaller area, and also improves the processing speed for high-resolution images, which can provide a better visual experience.

Tsui Shih-chieh, UMC's deputy general manager of technology R & D, said:

By launching the 22eHV platform, UMC has once again demonstrated world-class eHV technology strength and its commitment to supporting customers in providing a complete product line.

In addition to 22 nanometers, UMC's R & D team is continuously expanding the eHV product portfolio to the FinFET process to meet the future development trend of the display.
