2024 College Entrance Examination Composition Mentions AI and WeChat 'Liking'

TapTechNews on June 7, it was reported that after the Chinese language test of the college entrance examination in 2024 ended, the composition became a topic of concern again. This year's college entrance examination composition mentioned AI for the first time and also talked about 'liking' on WeChat.

In the 2024 Beijing paper, students are required to choose one of the three topics, one of which is:

WeChat Moments has a 'liking' function. Some people pay attention to the number of 'likes', and some people are keen on giving 'likes'... What do you think about the phenomenon of 'liking'? Please state your point of view and reasons. Requirements: Clear point of view, reasonable.

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Regarding this, the official WeChat released a response, stating that 'We have been mentioned by the Beijing college entrance examination composition question again, and the requirement is no more than 150 characters. I only used 10 characters', and showed a poster of the startup screen of WeChat version 6.1:

Liking is too easy, praising in person is too difficult

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What do TapTechNews friends think about the 'liking' phenomenon in Moments?

