#college entrance examination#

Telecommunication Fraud Targets College Entrance Examination Candidates

After the college entrance examination, fraudsters target candidates and parents. Be careful of SMS fraud and avoid being scammed.

Common College Entrance Examination Online Rumors Announced

The article warns about common college entrance examination online rumors and reminds how to avoid being deceived. It covers various types of frauds related to the college entrance examination.

2024 College Entrance Examination Composition Mentions AI and WeChat 'Liking'

The 2024 college entrance examination composition involves AI and WeChat 'liking'. WeChat's response and reader thoughts. Less than 150 characters.

TikTok Releases Notice on Regulating Outdoor Live Stream during College Entrance Examination

TikTok issues norms to manage outdoor live streaming during the college entrance examination in 2024 to avoid disturbing the exam.