TSMC's May 2024 Revenue and Future Plans

According to TapTechNews on June 7, TSMC announced today that its consolidated revenue in May 2024 was approximately NT$229.62 billion (TapTechNews note: currently about RMB 51.538 billion). It decreased by 2.7% compared to the previous month and increased by 30.1% compared to the same period last year.

TSMC's cumulative revenue from January to May 2024 was approximately NT$1,058.286 billion (currently about RMB 237.53 billion), an increase of 27.0% compared to the same period last year.

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TSMC held a technical seminar in May, stating that its 3-nanometer process node has been on the right track, and the N3P node will be put into mass production in the second half of 2024. In addition, TSMC will build seven new factories this year, and the 3-nanometer capacity this year will quadruple that of last year.
