Apple to Expand Maps' LookAround feature globally, challenging Google Street View

TapTechNews August 13th news, according to MacRumors, Apple seems to be planning to significantly expand the LookAround feature in its Maps application to more strongly challenge Google Street View.

Apple to Expand Maps LookAround feature globally, challenging Google Street View_0

As TapTechNews understands, The LookAround feature of Apple Maps provides high-resolution, interactive street view images. Currently, the coverage of this feature is relatively limited, mainly concentrated in major global metropolises and some specific areas.

Recently, user X RyanFae found that the vector map data of Apple Maps leaked information about the future coverage area of the LookAround feature. These information show that Apple plans to expand the LookAround feature to areas far beyond the current range.

Apple to Expand Maps LookAround feature globally, challenging Google Street View_1

The leaked data indicates that in the United States, the LookAround feature will no longer be limited to major cities, but will cover major highways, smaller cities and rural areas. In addition, countries such as Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, China, Belarus, Turkey, Bulgaria, Mexico and Slovakia will also get the LookAround feature for the first time. Considering that Apple was found to deploy map collection vehicles in these areas in 2023, the credibility of this plan is further increased. For many areas, this will be the first time to have high-quality street view images, because the coverage of Google Street View in these areas is either insufficient or of low quality.
