Samsung Faces Multiple Crises Strikes and Employee Considerations

TapTechNews July 15th news, according to the British media Financial Times report, Samsung is facing multiple internal crises: In addition to the large-scale strike led by the National Samsung Electronics Union in South Korea, some Samsung Electronics employees are considering transferring to SK Hynix.

An anonymous Samsung Electronics chip engineer told the British media that even if Samsung Electronics replaced the head of the DS (Device Solution) department, he failed to see too many changes in the enterprise.

He said:

(Samsung Electronics) The internal atmosphere is very pessimistic, because we are both behind SK Hynix in HBM and fail to narrow the gap with TSMC in wafer foundry.

Colleagues are generally dissatisfied with their own salaries, because they think their treatment is worse than that of their counterparts working in SK Hynix. Many people are considering leaving the company and joining the competitors.

Samsung Electronics' HBM3E product has not been certified by Nvidia, the largest buyer in the HBM field; and in the advanced process represented by the 3nm GAA process, Samsung Electronics still continues to face problems of low yield and poor high-frequency energy consumption.

The sluggish performance can also be reflected from the attitude of the capital market towards Samsung Electronics: Since the beginning of this year, the share price of Samsung Electronics has only increased by 10% (TapTechNews note: all in local currency), the share price of SK Hynix has increased by 61.84%, and the share price increase of TSMC is even more than 75%.

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In fact, the strike movement and resignation plan of Samsung Electronics employees have a common background reason: Both the storage and foundry businesses of Samsung Electronics' DS department have encountered difficulties, resulting in the ordinary employees' salaries being lower than expected.

A considerable number of members of the National Samsung Electronics Union in South Korea come from the DS department, and the DS department of Samsung Electronics suffered a loss last year, which means that the performance bonus, which occupies an important position in the actual income of employees, is zero.
