AMD Completes Acquisition of SiloAI, Strengthening Its Position in AI

TapTechNews August 13th news, AMD officially announced today that it has completed the acquisition of SiloAI, the largest private AI laboratory in Europe. The transaction amount is about 665 million US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 4.773 billion RMB), and all cash is used for payment. So far, the scientists and engineers of SiloAI have officially joined the AMD family.

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AMD's emphasis on the AI field is self-evident. This acquisition is an important step in its strategic layout, aiming to further strengthen the company's leading position in the AI and related technical fields. Like Google, Meta, Apple and other technology giants, AMD is also actively transforming to AI, but differently, AMD's investment in this field is relatively late.

Vamsi Boppana, senior vice president of AMD's Accelerated Computing Division (AIG), said: AI is our primary strategic goal. We will continue to increase investment in talents and software capabilities to support the growing customer deployment and roadmaps. He also emphasized that the SiloAI team has rich experience in AI model development and integration, especially in large language models, and these capabilities will significantly enhance the experience of customers in building high-performance AI solutions on the AMD platform.

The customers of SiloAI include industry giants such as Allianz Insurance, Philips, Rolls-Royce and Unilever. This acquisition not only ensures that SiloAI continues to use AMD chips and technologies, but also helps AMD promote the development of open source generative AI training and application software.
