Tencent Adjusts Employee Salary and Welfare Policy in Response to Employee Demands

TapTechNews July 10th news, according to Sina Technology report, Tencent today announced through an all-staff email to adjust the salary and welfare policy for employees, involving averaging the employee service award to the monthly salary and incorporating the E-Home plan subsidy into the monthly salary two aspects. It is reported that the former aims to enhance the monthly cash flow, and the latter aims to ensure the continuous and stable income of relevant employees, both of which are targeted adjustments based on the specific demands of employees.

Reports citing informed sources analyzed that this adjustment mainly meets the employees' higher demand for immediate and stable cash flow and alleviates the concerns of young employees about the income decline after the expiration of the E-Home plan.

In addition, the public account Internet Gossip disclosed the specific content of this adjustment - the year-end bonus system that will consist of service award + performance award + special award, and this adjustment will be reflected on August 5th. This adjustment mainly involves the housing subsidy for campus recruitsers and the payment method of the employee service award. TapTechNews sorts it out as follows:

Employee Service Award: From the previous end-of-year one-time payment mode to averaged over 12 months, and it is issued as part of the monthly salary base.

Housing Subsidy for Campus Recruiters: The original fixed amount was 4,000 yuan per month in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen areas and 2,000 yuan in Chengdu. Now it is adjusted to be issued for 15 months and directly included in the monthly salary base, that is, the monthly basic salary of campus recruiters will increase by 3,200 yuan, and the remaining three months' subsidy will be issued together with the year-end bonus. The total housing subsidy for campus recruiters in three years will reach about 144,000 yuan (taking the Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen areas as an example).
