Global Humanoid Robot Shipments to Surge by 2030, Driven by Generative AI and More

TapTechNews August 1st news, according to the research report released by Omdia on July 25th, it is expected that by 2027, the global shipment of humanoid robots will exceed 10,000 units, and by 2030 will reach 38,000 units, which means the compound annual growth rate of humanoid robots from 2024 to 2030 will reach 83%.

Global Humanoid Robot Shipments to Surge by 2030, Driven by Generative AI and More_0

The agency pointed out that humanoid robots are the representative of the next major technological leap, and part of its driving force comes from generative AI. This year is even a breakthrough year for humanoid robots. After a large amount of investment by technological pioneers such as Boston Dynamics, currently multiple factors are working together to enable bipedal humanoid robots to achieve large-scale commercialization.

Despite the optimistic prediction, humanoid robot technology is still in its infancy. These robots have complexities that make large-scale production and wide-scale deployment tricky, and most products are still in the experimental or proof-of-concept stage, and it may take several years from large-scale implementation.

At present, the initial application cases of humanoid robots are mainly concentrated in the field of automotive manufacturing. Tesla and NIO and other companies have taken the lead in adopting them, and TapTechNews has previously reported in detail. In addition, humanoid robots also have great potential in various other fields, including general manufacturing, logistics, retail, catering, customer service, and healthcare.

Omdia expects that the deployment of robots in the enterprise and industrial fields will show strong growth, mainly driven by automated guided vehicles, autonomous mobile robots, quadruped robots, and humanoid robots.
