China's First Kilowatt-Level Electro-Hydrogen Conversion Device Put into Operation in Guangzhou

On June 26, TapTechNews reported that China's first independently developed kilowatt-level electro-hydrogen bidirectional conversion device was put into operation in Guangzhou. It was the first in China to complete hydrogen production and power generation through a single set of devices, realizing the bidirectional, efficient and reliable conversion of green electricity and green hydrogen, marking that China's reversible solid oxide battery technology has moved from the 'laboratory' to 'demonstration application'.

According to the introduction of Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau, the electro-hydrogen bidirectional conversion device developed and put into operation by Guangdong Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau under China Southern Power Grid is located at the Xiaohu Island Electro-hydrogen Smart Energy Station in Nansha, Guangzhou.

TapTechNews learned from the official that based on the reversible solid oxide battery technology, this device has two modes of electrolytic cell and fuel cell, and integrates the functions of hydrogen production and power generation:

In the electrolytic cell mode, the device制取('makes' in English) green hydrogen by high-temperature electrolysis of water. These hydrogen will be collected in the hydrogen storage tank and can be supplied to the station at any time;

When switched to the fuel cell mode with one button, the hydrogen in the hydrogen storage tank can be sent back to the device to generate electricity on-demand and be connected to the grid through electrochemical reaction. The entire conversion process between electricity and hydrogen reaches the minute level and is completely zero carbon.

Yang Yiping from the Hydrogen Energy Research Center of Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau said: 'At present, through the breakthrough of high-power reversible solid oxide battery technology, the hydrogen production power of the system electrolysis of the device has reached 100 kW, and the direct current energy consumption is 3.0 kWh/Nm3 hydrogen. Compared with the traditional electrolytic hydrogen production technology, the electrolysis efficiency has increased by 30%, and the annual maximum power generation can reach 280,000 kWh, which is equivalent to the electricity demand of 292 people in a year.'
