Baidu's Wenxin Large Model Makes Moves in the Tech Battle

TapTechNews May 21st, ByteDance released the Doubao large model last week and announced that the price of the large model has entered the 'cent era', claiming to be '99.3% cheaper than the industry'. Today, Alibaba Cloud also announced that Tongyi Qianwen Qwen-Long has reduced its price by 97% to respond.

Now, Baidu's Wenxin large model goes even further and directly announces that its two main models, ENIRESpeed and ENIRELite, are completely free, effective immediately.

Baidu's Wenxin Large Model Makes Moves in the Tech Battle_0

TapTechNews found that these two large models were released in March this year and support 8K and 128K context lengths.

According to Baidu's official introduction, ERNIESpeed is Baidu's self-developed high-performance large language model newly released in 2024, with excellent general capabilities, suitable for fine-tuning as a base model to better handle specific scenario problems, and also has extremely good reasoning performance.

ERNIELite is Baidu's self-developed lightweight large language model, taking into account both excellent model effects and reasoning performance, suitable for the use of low-computational-power AI acceleration cards for reasoning.

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