Huawei Unveils New Features in HDC2024 Developer Conference

TapTechNews June 21st news, in the ongoing HUAWEI HDC2024 Developer Conference, the full-scenario experience of Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT was officially unveiled. This system continues HUAWEI's characteristic of 'one system for different devices', claiming to be able to break through the boundaries of digital devices.

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HUAWEI said that developers only need to develop and maintain one version, so that different-sized screens in HUAWEI's ecological chain can obtain a consistent UI/UX experience. In the conference, HUAWEI demonstrated third-party applications such as Taobao, Yiche, BabyBus, and Bilibili, and also claimed that one HUAWEI account can play with all applications.

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TapTechNews noticed that HUAWEI also demonstrated the 'application continuation' function of Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT, claiming that DingTalk can be switched to the mobile phone with one click when the meeting is initiated on the tablet, Gaode Map's mobile phone navigation can be transferred to the car central control with one click, and the WPS picture can be moved to the tablet with one click after matting, just like 'the experience of one device'.

In addition, HUAWEI also mentioned the cross-device creative experience of Hongmeng HarmonyOS. The official took the 'Xiaohongshu' App as an example. When a user posts a blog post, the application will automatically recommend the user-related photos for the user, and it also supports directly selecting photos from the mobile phone platform when posting on the tablet.

HUAWEI HDC2024 Developer Conference special topic
