Huawei Debuts Self-Developed Cangjie Programming Language

TapTechNews June 21st news, today Huawei's self-developed Cangjie programming language officially debuted, and began to recruit for the Beta of the developer preview version of the HarmonyOS NEXT Cangjie language.

The Q&A page of the Cangjie programming language on the Huawei official website shows that Cangjie programming language is a next-generation application programming language for full-scenario intelligence, focusing on native intelligence, natural full-scenario, high performance, and strong security. Combined with the Hongmeng system, it provides a good programming experience.

For different business scenarios, the Hongmeng ecosystem provides application developers with multi-language mixed development capabilities such as Cangjie and ArkTS. Cangjie and ArkTS develop together and form complementary advantages in the Hongmeng ecosystem. Cangjie is more suitable for business scenarios with high-performance and high-concurrency requirements. The goal of the Cangjie programming language is to build the performance competitiveness of Hongmeng applications in typical scenarios such as task parallelism/data parallelism/high-frequency data interaction/high memory overhead. In addition, for the future development of Hongmeng AI native applications, Cangjie provides a complete programming framework embedded with AgentDSL for developers to facilitate the efficient completion of Hongmeng AI native application development.

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The name of the Cangjie programming language comes from Cangjie creating characters. Xunzi - Jiebi claims that there are many people who love books, but only Cangjie is passed down uniquely, and this name also represents the sustenance of the team members for the Cangjie programming language, hoping that this language can be loved by a wide range of developers and widely spread.

TapTechNews note: Cangjie, people said he has a face like a dragon and four eyes, with wise virtue. As he is the leader of a small tribe, he is also called Emperor Cang. In historical legends, Cangjie is considered the creator of the original Chinese pictographic characters. He played an important role in the creation of Chinese characters and was honored as the saint of creating characters.

Huawei says that the Cangjie programming language is a programming language for full-scenario intelligence led and implemented by Huawei. From the formulation of language specifications to implementation and the future language community will all be independently controllable, and this language does not evolve based on any existing programming languages.

Applications that have already been developed do not need to be redeveloped in the Cangjie version. The Hongmeng operating system supports high-performance interoperability between the Cangjie language and the ArkTS language. In the future, developers can choose to use the Cangjie programming language or ArkTS for incremental development according to business scenarios for new business parts. For scenarios such as high-throughput/high-frequency read and write data processing scenarios, high-frequency interaction and high-load scenarios, and scenarios sensitive to start-up latency, the Cangjie language is recommended to be prioritized.

In the future, the Cangjie language will establish a Cangjie community and gradually carry out the construction of an open source community. At present, some of Huawei's self-developed applications have begun to develop new businesses based on the Cangjie, and some external friendly users (such as ICBC App and LeetCode App) have also begun to use the Cangjie l anguage for development, and the best development practices and cases will be provided for developers' reference陆续 in 2024.

Related Readings:

Huawei kicks off the Beta recruitment of the developer preview version of the HarmonyOS NEXT Cangjie programming language.

The official website and development documentation of Huawei's self-developed Cangjie programming language go online and are integrated into the Hongmong ecosystem for the first time.

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