China Mobile's 5G Messaging in Campus

TapTechNews May 29th news, China Mobile stated that since the 5G messaging campus notification product was launched, it has covered many universities in Guangdong, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and other places, including famous institutions such as Sun Yat-sen University and Guangzhou Medical University.

This service supports traditional scenarios such as admission notices and covers multiple links such as enrollment, exams, graduation, grade announcements and home-school communication, enabling schools to more accurately meet the needs of teachers, students and parents.

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TapTechNews quoted the official introduction of China Mobile. 5G messaging is an upgrade of traditional text messages and supports using data traffic to send various contents in the native SMS interface, such as voice, video, pictures, geographical location, etc. 5G messaging has added a brand new MaaP messaging format. Through intelligent services of Chatbot, it realizes the interaction between applications and individuals, and completes business experiences such as search, discovery, subscription, and payment in the message window.

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