Three Departments in China Hold Video Conference on Strengthening Safety Management of New Energy Vehicles

TapTechNews May 29th news, according to the official news of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, on May 28th, 2024, the first department of equipment industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Quality Development Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Fire Supervision Department of the National Fire Rescue Bureau (hereinafter collectively referred to as the three departments) jointly held a video conference to strengthen the safety management of new energy vehicles, analyzed and judged the safety situation of new energy vehicles, studied and deployed this year's safety management work of new energy vehicles, and ensured the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

The meeting pointed out that safety is an important foundation of industrial development and must be attached great importance to and unremittingly adhered to. It is necessary to fully understand the necessity, long-term nature and arduousness of doing a good job in the safety management of new energy vehicles, spare no effort and make unremitting efforts to firmly prevent and resolve the safety risks of new energy vehicles and consolidate the hard-won good development situation.

The meeting required that vehicle production enterprises and power battery production enterprises must strictly implement the main responsibility for product safety and quality, fulfill their due responsibilities and obligations, do a good job in risk prevention in the whole chain of product R & D and design, production and manufacturing, test verification, use and maintenance, and earnestly fulfill the legal obligations such as product safety accident reporting and defective product recall, and continuously improve the product safety and quality level of new energy vehicles.

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In the next step, the three departments will strengthen work coordination, promote information sharing, increase the supply of standards, severely investigate and deal with the illegal behaviors of enterprises, and create a good industrial development atmosphere. At the same time, further urge and guide industry enterprises to increase investment in safety technology research and development, strengthen the safety monitoring of vehicle operation, organize the investigation of safety hazards and defect investigations, and promote the steady improvement of the overall safety level of the industry.

The announcement said that representatives of local industrial and information technology, market supervision, fire rescue departments, the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Defective Product Recall Technology Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, relevant new energy vehicle production enterprises (TapTechNews note: the specific list has not been公布), power battery production enterprises, and industry organizations and inspection and testing institutions attended the meeting.
