Weibo's Use of Alibaba Cloud's Tongyi Qianwen and the Trend of AIGC

TapTechNews May 17th news, according to the tweet on the official account of'Alibaba Cloud'today, Wang Wei, the COO of Weibo (TapTechNews note: Chief Operating Officer) and the CEO of Sina Mobile, said that the development speed of AIGC is far beyond imagination, and many large models have emerged in the industry including Tongyi 2.5. At the same time, he pointed out that the open source of large models is unstoppable, and'Alibaba Cloud'opening up a 110-billion-parameter large model is very remarkable. .

 Weibo's Use of Alibaba Cloud's Tongyi Qianwen and the Trend of AIGC_0

Wang Wei said that Weibo is one of the earliest external customers of the Tongyi large model and has been widely implemented in multiple scenarios. 'A large language model is like an encyclopedia. One country only needs a few, and we don't need to make 100 large models. This is actually a big waste of resources. I prefer to use the basic large model like'Alibaba Cloud''s'Tongyi Qianwen ', and at the same time use our own data to produce good landing applications in a more delicate mode'.

According to the introduction, Weibo has applied large model technology to scenarios such as AI comments, AI star chat, virtual character accounts, constellation large models, and information flow advertising creative generation.

According to TapTechNews' report earlier this month, on May 9th, the Tongyi Qianwen 2.5 large model was released, claiming that many abilities surpassed GPT-4. The official said that in the Chinese context, it surpassed GPT-4 in many abilities such as text understanding, text generation, knowledge Q&A & life advice, chatting & dialogue, and security risks.
