SERES Group's Updates in New Energy Vehicles

TapTechNews May 17th news, on May 16th, Zhang Xinghai, the chairman (founder) of SERES Group, attended the National Young Entrepreneurs Conference and delivered a speech.

He stated that intelligent connected new energy vehicles are an important starting point for cultivating new-quality productive forces and have significant implications for promoting technological changes in the entire automotive industry and driving the overall upgrade of the industrial chain.

It is claimed that currently, SERES' core R & D investment has cumulatively exceeded 12 billion yuan, mainly invested in three-electric technology, extended-range technology, electronic and electrical architecture, intelligent driving, and other aspects.

According to official data obtained by TapTechNews, SERES achieved a full-year revenue of 35.842 billion yuan in 2023, among which the revenue of new energy vehicles reached 28.948 billion yuan, an increase of 16.1% year-on-year; the R & D investment was 4.438 billion yuan, accounting for 12.38% of the operating income; by the end of 2023, the number of R & D personnel reached 4955, an increase of 18.6% year-on-year. In addition, SERES Automobile achieved a cumulative sales volume of 106,703 vehicles throughout 2023, an increase of 33.31% year-on-year.

SERES Automobile said that its three smart factories have a total of more than 5000 robots, and one of the factories has more than 3000 robots. SERES Automobile Smart Factory took the lead in applying the industry-leading 9000T integrated die-casting process, and 87 parts can be integrated into one part, achieving a high degree of integration of the integrated die-casting part.
