Japan to Require New Cars to Install Anti-Misstep Devices to Prevent Accidents

TapTechNews July 9th news, many novice drivers will occasionally have a situation where their 'inds can't turn the corner' when driving, mistaking the brake for the accelerator, thus causing a large number of accidents. And according to a report by Japan's Kyodo News on July 7th, Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is expected to change relevant regulations later, requiring new model automatic transmission cars to be equipped with anti-misstep devices and gradually promote them to existing new models of cars.

According to the introduction, this device will use the technology that can detect objects in front and behind the vehicle to prevent the car from accelerating, even if the driver fully depresses the accelerator pedal at a distance of 1 to 1.5 meters from a large object, the car will stop before hitting the object, or reduce the speed to less than 8 kilometers per hour in the case that a collision is inevitable.

It is known that when the device is activated, a warning will also be displayed in the car, such as 'elease the accelerator pedal'. However, since misstepping the accelerator in a manual transmission car usually does not cause serious problems, the relevant regulations do not include manual transmission cars.

TapTechNews noticed that in fact, Toyota launched a 'pedal misoperation acceleration control system' in 2018. When the sensors at the front and rear of the car detect obstacles such as walls or glass, it can prevent accidents caused by improper accelerator pedal operation.
