Google Gets Design Patent for Office Chair with Sound Insulation

TapTechNews July 9th news, according to the list publicized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on July 4th this year, Google has obtained a design patent, showing an office chair with sound insulation function, to provide employees with a more private and quieter environment.

Google stated in the patent that there may be various noises such as employees chatting, equipment operating, and music playing in the office space, and this new office chair design can reduce external disturbances, allowing employees to focus on tasks such as office work, remote meetings, or handling affairs.

Google has introduced a sound insulation chair cover in the patent, which is in a folded state by default, and users can pull up the chair cover when they need to focus, thereby concentrating on handling the work.

The office chair is also equipped with acoustic components that can dynamically reduce the volume of external noises to create a quieter office atmosphere. TapTechNews attached relevant pictures as follows:

Google Gets Design Patent for Office Chair with Sound Insulation_0

Google Gets Design Patent for Office Chair with Sound Insulation_1

Google Gets Design Patent for Office Chair with Sound Insulation_2

VIA: patentlyapple
