AI in the Battle Against Fraud Telecom Companies' Countermeasures

TapTechNews July 9th news, fraud gangs have begun to deploy AI to carry out fraud, and telecom companies have also deployed hundreds of AI chatbots, 'using magic to defeat magic', to help users avoid being disturbed by fraud calls.

Fraud gangs have currently used the tool of Lenny to commit fraud. This AI tool will automatically play a series of voice messages, effectively extending the call duration of the scammers and can expand various contents to increase the success rate of fraud.


As the saying goes, 'The devil is one foot tall, but the road is ten feet high'. Telecom companies have now begun to use hundreds of artificial intelligence chatbots, one of which is named Ibrahim.

TapTechNews attaches the following dialogue between the two as follows:

Lenny: We detected that your recent online shopping needs to be returned and refunded. Please provide the relevant password information, and I will follow up to refund you.

Ibrahim: Which item are you specifically referring to? Frankly, I don't quite remember what I bought recently. Maybe it was bought by my child.


Professor Dali Kaafar and his team also launched the ApateAI tool named after the Greek goddess of deception.

The design purpose of Apate is not only to waste the scammers' time, this artificial intelligence system also tries to understand the fraud techniques used by the scammers to help warn people not to be deceived and provide intelligence to law enforcement departments.

If the telecom company detects the scammers and transfers them to a system like Apate, the robot will keep the scammers busy. They will test different strategies to see which ones work to ensure that the scammers keep the call longer. Through success and failure, Apate will fine-tune its own response strategy.

In this process, Apate will extract intelligence and discover new scams, collecting information about the duration of the call, the time when the scammers are most likely to call, what information they want and what strategies they use.

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