2024 Global E-sports Conference China's E-sports Industry Revenue Growth and Details

TapTechNews July 26th news, according to CaiLianShe, the 2024 Global E-sports Conference was held today, and relevant data of China's e-sports industry was announced on the spot. From January to June this year, the revenue of China's e-sports industry was 12.027 billion yuan ($1.73 billion), with a year-on-year growth of 4.43%, turning positive after two consecutive years of negative growth.

Specifically, the main source of income with the highest proportion is e-sports game live streaming income, accounting for 79.45%, and the event income, club income and other incomes account for 8.86%, 7.35% and 4.34% respectively.

2024 Global E-sports Conference Chinas E-sports Industry Revenue Growth and Details_0

TapTechNews note: The 2024 Global E-sports Conference is scheduled to be held in the afternoon of July 26, 2024 at the Shanghai Baohua Marriott Hotel. The theme of this conference is Competition without Borders, Creating the Future Together, inviting representatives of domestic and foreign leading e-sports enterprises and international e-sports organizations to discuss issues such as opportunities and challenges of the global development of e-sports and building a global e-sports ecosystem, showing the vigorous development trend of e-sports as a bridge connecting different countries and regions and different cultures in the global scope from multiple perspectives. Executives from Tencent, Perfect World, NetEase, vivo, SNK, Xishanju and other manufacturers will attend this meeting.
